Paper Preparation

Important Dates

Submission of Regular Papers May 31 June 7, 2019, 11:59PM EST
Notification of Acceptance (by email) July 23, 2019

Papers must be formatted according to the instructions in the CCN 2019 Author Kit.

Author Kit (opens in a new window)

If this is your first time to submit a paper to CCN 2019, please read the entire author kit carefully to verify that your paper document is formatted correctly and that you have all the information you need before starting your paper submission. The paper kit contains detailed instructions on formatting your document and completing the submission process, as well as a description of how the review process works.

If you are a returning author, you should review the paper kit, and note that the paper kit contains expanded information about the review process.

CCN 2019 requires that each accepted paper be presented by one of the authors in-person at the conference site according to the schedule published. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the official proceedings.

If you wish to withdraw your submission, send an email to, and be sure to note your paper ID and copy all authors on the paper. If all authors are not part of the correspondence, they will be asked to confirm the withdraw request.

Online Paper Submission

The online paper submission system is now closed; no new submissions are being taken.

See the Frequently Asked Questions section in the paper kit.

Revise an already-submitted paper

Check Status

Check paper submission status (or request a withdraw)